The Great Wall: Huanghua

黄花 Huáng huā

The Great Wall: Huanghua

Huanghua is the closest to Beijing, 60 km north site. Even wilder than Simatai, the site is well preserved with high and wide ramparts, intact parapets and beautiful watchtowers. Huanghua is ideal for people who like calm and beautiful landscapes. It is difficult to go to this section of the Great Wall. You must go through Huairou (by bus No. 916 to Dongzhimen) stating that you are going to Huanghuacheng in order to go to the right place in Huairou. From here you can take a minibus to Huanghuacheng. Then you have to walk a little-half hour to the north, in the direction of a large reservoir on the edge of the wall. Arriving at the foot of the wall, you have two choices: left a fairly quiet ride with a little brush and right a little more strenuous hike with good mounted in rough terrain. Remember to bring water, food and inquire for the return!